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Knowhow offering

TitleRobotic Device for Physical Rehabilitation & Functional Training
Knowhow is available forBuild a Robotic Device for Physical Rehabilitation & Functional Training
Advantages1. Gamified rehabilitation with objective progress monitoring. Doctors and physios now find it possible to document and communicate progress to our patients. 2. Improved engagement increases intensity of rehabilitation 3. Multi-limb solution. Visible improvement in range of motion, strength and cognition. 20+ exercises for upper & lower limb rehabilitation. Assistive to Resistive training for complete recovery 3. Physios can treat multiple patients at the same time. 4. “Mobi-L” is 10 times smaller (requires 2 sq ft space) and more affordable (10X times than imported products)

Knowhow is listed under following categories

Knowhow from
Scientific/ engineering subject areas Life sciences/ biosciences & engineering
Investor interest categories Biotechnology/ Biomedical/ Health Technologies
Industries Medical Biotechnology, Biomed Products, Medical Healthcare, Diagnostics
Customer categories and nature of business Businesses and other industries (B2B) ; Foundations/ NGOs/ Agencies(B2F)
Technology readiness levels

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Database reference

Database record number 20220311065611
Date of upload 11 / Mar / 2022
Date of update
URL to site when communicating about this knowhow http://techex.in/khdb/viewrecord.php?recordno=20220311065611
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