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Knowhow offering

TitlePersonalized wheelchair with motorized add-on
Knowhow is available forBuild a personalized wheelchair with motorized add-on
AdvantagesAdvantage of personalized wheelchair: 1. 18 Customizations 2. Correct posture – no back / shoulder / neck pain 3. Easy to push – fastest marathons in India 4. 30% compact – narrow lifts, bathrooms, doors accessible 5. Sleek, Stylish – improves self-confidence Advantages of wheelchair with motorized add-on 1. No need to transfer into scooter, auto-rickshaw, car 2. User attaches independently 3. Tailored for Indian Terrain – rugged built, suspension 4. Li-Ion battery, 25 km per Charge 5. Low-Cost Outdoor Mobility 6. Can help mobility impaired persons with a source of livelihood (eg: E-Commerce Deliveries)

Knowhow is listed under following categories

Knowhow from
Scientific/ engineering subject areas Life sciences/ biosciences & engineering
Investor interest categories Biotechnology/ Biomedical/ Health Technologies
Industries Medical Biotechnology, Biomed Products, Medical Healthcare, Diagnostics
Customer categories and nature of business Consumers (B2C) ; Foundations/ NGOs/ Agencies(B2F)
Technology readiness levels

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Database reference

Database record number 20220311063257
Date of upload 11 / Mar / 2022
Date of update
URL to site when communicating about this knowhow http://techex.in/khdb/viewrecord.php?recordno=20220311063257
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