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Knowhow offering

TitleA low-cost high utility mechanical prosthetic hand
Knowhow is available forBuild a low-cost high utility mechanical prosthetic hand
Advantages1. Affordable Price Point (the $200 product is capable of performing at least 25% of what bionic hands can do, at 0-2% of the cost) 2. Many product features that enable user to perform crucial tasks of daily living (180 degree wrist rotation and 90 degree thumb rotation and adaptive Grip) 3. Proprietary knob-based self locking mechanism 4. Eliminates need to apply bodily pressure Watch more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dQpft_V_gY

Knowhow is listed under following categories

Knowhow from
Scientific/ engineering subject areas Life sciences/ biosciences & engineering
Investor interest categories Biotechnology/ Biomedical/ Health Technologies
Industries Medical Biotechnology, Biomed Products, Medical Healthcare, Diagnostics
Customer categories and nature of business Consumers (B2C) ; Foundations/ NGOs/ Agencies(B2F)
Technology readiness levels

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Database reference

Database record number 20220311060708
Date of upload 11 / Mar / 2022
Date of update
URL to site when communicating about this knowhow http://techex.in/khdb/viewrecord.php?recordno=20220311060708
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