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Knowhow offering

TitleContinuous integrated platform for the manufacturing of Ranibizumab Biosimilar
Knowhow is available forContinuous integrated platform for the manufacturing of Ranibizumab Biosimilar
Advantages1. Novel refolding process that results in a refolding yield of 30-35% vs the industry standard of 15%. 2. Novel continuous processing platform that results in reduction in cost of manufacturing by 80% for clinical and 75% for commercial production. Other Advantages: 1. Industry not yet crowded: 1st ever Biosimilar of Ranibizumab- ‘Razumab’ launched by Intas Pharma in 2015. Few players globally. 2. A 2021 survey of Indian vitreoretinal specialists showed progressive trend favouring ranibizumab-biosimilar over bevacizumab-biosimilar.

Knowhow is listed under following categories

Knowhow from
Scientific/ engineering subject areas Life sciences/ biosciences & engineering
Investor interest categories Biotechnology/ Biomedical/ Health Technologies
Industries Pharmaceuticals, Bulk Drugs, Formulations
Customer categories and nature of business Businesses and other industries (B2B)
Technology readiness levels TRL B: Proof-of-concept demonstrated in lab scale

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Database reference

Database record number 20220105022904
Date of upload 5 / Jan / 2022
Date of update
URL to site when communicating about this knowhow http://techex.in/khdb/viewrecord.php?recordno=20220105022904
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