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Knowhow offering

TitleMicrobial process for the synthesis of camptothecin, an anti-cancer compound and starting material
Knowhow is available forCost-effective process for the sustainable production of camptothecin from microbes
Advantages1. Cost effective process 2. Uniform and consistent product quality and quantity with less impurities than in natural plant extracts. 3. Improved productivity due to faster growth rate of the microbe in comparison to the natural plants. 4. Product yield comparable to that in nature. 5. Highly scalable process 6. Minimal environmental impact, as there is no deforestation involved (in the conventional process, the lead plant resource is placed in the endangered list)

Knowhow is listed under following categories

Knowhow from
Scientific/ engineering subject areas Life sciences/ biosciences & engineering
Investor interest categories Biotechnology/ Biomedical/ Health Technologies
Industries Pharmaceuticals, Bulk Drugs, Formulations
Customer categories and nature of business Businesses and other industries (B2B)
Technology readiness levels TRL B: Proof-of-concept demonstrated in lab scale
Whether patents are part of this offering ?Yes

Related documents:

Published Patents
Write- ups and marketing documents

Database reference

Database record number 20210617044106
Date of upload 17 / Jun / 2021
Date of update 22 / Jun / 2021
URL to site when communicating about this knowhow http://techex.in/khdb/viewrecord.php?recordno=20210617044106
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