Prof Sayan Goswami
Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Ahmedabad University, Gujarat
Research Area
- Big Data, High-performance computing, parallel & distributed computing, CUDA computing, Hadoop
- Big data, distributed computing, high performance computing (HPC), computational genomics
Prof.(Dr.). Siddharth Jabade
Vice Chancellor
Vishwakarma University, Pune
Research Area
- A multi-faceted experience in education, research, innovation, intellectual property rights (IPR) and technology commercialization to enable ideation to impact the value chain of innovation.
- Recently he was the co-inventor of affordable housing technology for SMART GRAM—an initiative sponsored by the President of India’s office. The Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs’ Affordable Sustainable Housing Accelerators (ASHA) Award was given to this innovative housing technology on January 1, 2021 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Prof Kaushik Jana
Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences
Ahmedabad University, Gujarat
Research Area
- Statistical Modeling and Data Science
- Extreme Value Analysis, Public Health Data Modelling, Image and Shape Data Analysis, Quantile Regression, Measurement Error Model, Streaming Data Analysis, Causal Inference in modelling, Extreme Events, Statistical applications in Public Health, Urban and Agricultural Sciences, Environment and Climatology.
Prof Alok Bhushan Shukla
Assistant Professor, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division
Ahmedabad University, Gujarat
Research Area
- Quantum Computing, Mathematical Optimization, Number Theory, Applied Mathematics
- Number Theory, Automorphic Forms and Representations, Arithmetic Geometry, Optimization, Quantum Computation, Machine Learning.