Twice every month (Tuesdays)| 13 Sept 2022 – 23 May 2023 | Time: 4 – 5 pm
Register here: | Outline | Feedback

About the campaign: This Only One Theme Awareness Campaign is focused on different aspects of Innovation Management. It aims to share the nuts and bolts of the entire innovation management process, via 18 talks over a period of almost 28-29 weeks. Various aspects of the innovation management domain will be covered, starting from copyrights, trademarks, patents, design moving to startups, licensing aspects, open source licensing, valuation, FTO, collaboration agreements, negotiations, patent analytics, tech strategy, Biodiversity act to how to find licensors, how to write proposals for industry projects to grant writing and also how to do digital marketing.
Each session shall be strictly under 60 mins and feature only one theme covered by an expert in the field.
This campaign is aimed for generating awareness amongst, budding inventors and innovators and any startup enthusiasts, and will give the attendees a sound grounding in the domain of innovation management.
All sessions are Free | Registration is free but mandatory
Steps for registration:
- Step 1: Interested participants need to fill in a “One-time” registration form at the following link.
- Register at:
- Step 2: Email for confirmation of registration will be sent to attendees.
- Maximum 60 seats; First-come-first-serve basis.
- Attendance only on confirmation of registration. Only registered participants will be allowed to participate. One time joining link will be shared.
- Sessions will be conducted using ZOOM platform.
Organizers reserve the right to select participants so as to optimize the group for better interaction and ensure benefit to as many relevant participants as possible.