Welcome Technology Providers!

Goal of Process Innovations in Pharmaceuticals  Matchmaker (PPMM)

To catalyze collaborative and synergistic efforts in the larger innovation ecosystem to promote the development and adoption of cutting edge novel pharmaceutical processing solutions for commercial applications. This will be with the goal of promoting and enabling researchers and technology providers and showcasing their technologies with the relevant technology seekers

PPMM aims to do matchmaking of 

Technology providers who have innovative solutions for pharmaceutical drug processing, address challenges in drug manufacturing and drug delivery, and collaborate with technology seekers seeking advancements in the field.

Program Activities

  • Technology Showcase Pitches by shortlisted technology providers.
  • Generating leads for the showcased technologies.
  • For non-shortlisted Technology providers : TechEx.in will help the provider with required marketing documents, listing and publicizing these via various channels to bring desired targeted exposure which may result in possible matchmaking.

About Matchmaker

The aim of this matchmaker is to help forge industry-academia partnerships that can take academic inventions to actual field deployments by industry in the area of pharmaceutical process solutions for drug development 

TechEx.in Matchmakers are aimed at theme based match making of Technology Providers with Seekers. We aim to create a pool of industry requirements and technology solutions and facilitate marriage of these resulting in value added knowledge exchange and addressing of industry problems.

Some of the themes around which Matchmakers are planned are as following:

  • Medical Devices and diagnostics
  • Pharma
  • Agriculture/Agro
  • Sustainable ingredients

TECHEX.IN is a Technology Transfer Hub operated by Venture Center, Pune, India and supported by the National Biopharma Mission (Govt of India). TECHEX.IN  aims to help technology developers and technology commercialization entities find each others, forge partnerships and advance the technology closer to the market in a win-win partnership. For more details visit: www.techex.in

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