What we offer

Intellectual property is an intangible and valuable asset of any technology driven organization or startup. IP can be in the form of patents, copyright, trademark, industrial design etc. Amongst all the IP, patent provides strongest protection for technology, products and processes developed. Therefore, whether, when and how to protect the novel invention is strategically important for technologically driven organizations.

Along with planning a business strategy, patents provide information related to current and upcoming technologies, use of an invention, technology features and problem solution approach. Hence, analyzing patent information plays an important role and a detailed analysis of patent information can help play a vital role in strategic planning and informed decision-making.

What can be learnt from patent analytics?

1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the patent portfolio of the organization?
2. Where are the competitors investing?
3. Who are new entrants in a given domain or technology?
4. Where should one invest research and development resources?
5. What partnership opportunities are available?
6. What new technology should be patented?

We do a variety of patent analytics to facilitate innovators in academia/ start-ups and industry. Write to us: tto@venturecenter.co.in and we will come back with a proposal in 24 hours.  

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