Date: 13 March 2023- 1 April 2023 | Time: 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM daily | Hybrid mode
Outline | Photos | Feedback
Workshop Fee: Rs 5000/- | Maximum 20 seats; First‐come‐first‐serve Registration
- Organizers reserve the right to select participants so as to optimize the group for better interaction and ensure benefit to as many relevant participants as possible.
- Fees paid is not refundable and non transferable under any circumstances.
- Registration closes once 20 seats are full or on 6 March 2023 (whichever comes sooner)
- For online participants, sessions will be conducted using zoom platform. Only registered participants will be allowed to participate.

The Patent Agent Exam is conducted by the Indian Patent Office. Professionals from science and technology background take this exam to qualify as Patent Agents. The patent agent exam requires serious, long-term preparation. One must know about the exam, the law of patents, and the patent drafting aspects. The course on preparing for the patent agent examination teaches you all of this in detail. Currently, Patent Agent Examination has been announced by Indian Patent Office which is to be held on 7th May 2023 at various locations. More information can be found at
This course is for understanding the patent prosecution at the patent office, acquiring drafting skills for preparation of patent specifications and other documents required for prosecution of patent applications in Patent Office in the context of Indian and International patent applications and for understand the role of patent agent and formalities of registration.
Course outline:
- Understanding the provisions of The Patents Act 1970 and the rules there under
- Patent procedure and prosecution at the Patent Office
- Provisions relating to International application under The Patents Act 1970 and rules
- Drafting patent specifications and documents for patent prosecution
- Solving previous years papers of Patent Agents examination
For more information refer to the outline linked above
Archana Joshi | 7410045654 |